Category: FairPlay
2024 Mid season FairPlay tables
Mid-season Christmas standings for FairPlay show Clubs with leading teams are Burnham Junior, Downley Dynamos Juniors, Risborough Rangers Juniors, Wycombe Town, Ruislip Rangers, Wendover Juniors
FairPlay tables 23-24
2,368 FairPlay reports were received during season 2023-2024 and the League is delighted to publish divisional FairPlay tables showing team FairPlay standings for the season.
28 days to submit a FairPlay report
We want your Fairplay scores while the game is fresh in your mind. Four weeks after a game is the last point where a report can be made about it. Please sign in and make sure your team is up to date with its FairPlay submissions
FairPlay winners 2022-23
Fairplay tables for 2022-2023 are published, based on 3,961 comments received during the season.