28 days to submit a FairPlay report

After your team plays a League game we want you to submit Fairplay scores while the game is still fresh in your mind. For this reason after four weeks have elapsed we won’t accept a report about the game.

If you have got an account this season please sign in and make sure your team is up to date with its FairPlay submissions.

If your team is still to register for an account so someone can submit FairPlay reports on its behalf, these Registration FAQs may be of help.




  • FairPlay tables 23-24
    2,368 FairPlay reports were received during season 2023-2024 and the League is delighted to publish divisional FairPlay tables showing team FairPlay standings for the season.
  • 28 days to submit a FairPlay report
    We want your Fairplay scores while the game is fresh in your mind. Four weeks after a game is the last point where a report can be made about it. Please sign in and make sure your team is up to date with its FairPlay submissions
  • FairPlay winners 2022-23
    Fairplay tables for 2022-2023 are published, based on 3,961 comments received during the season.